Monday, August 18, 2008


Long-long-ago people used to talk, talk and talk. Then man found out the blackboard, explaining was so much easy with that. Few years later projectors were invented, making transparencies was a cool thing then. Now we are in the era of PowerPoint presentations.

All new inventions were result of the need to grab attention. Everything became repetitive and same when everyone had it. First arrival of blackboard was cool but later everybody had it, suddenly new projectors were cool, then the place was taken up by PowerPoint. Now if everyone has PowerPoint, how to be different, how to stand out of clutter, how to convey the idea?

What is next? A short movie… why not. Check out following two short movies made by two Interest Groups at IIMK to stand out from other presentation. I have my little contribution in both.

Amar Akbar Anthony & K


Human mind is always attracted towards new things. Idea of presentation with the help of movies clicked. Which helped creating hype and good publicity for the IGs.

Just a thought: What will happen when even short movies will be cliche? god knows…

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