Friday, July 18, 2008

I like movies...

I like movies more than anything else. Though I am not a frequent visitor to cinema hall, but I have seen sizable number of movies mostly on TV and computer. I do not have any strong preference for any particular genre; I enjoy action-thrillers or sci-fi as much as comedy or horror.

OK. Now why I am singing saga of “I like movies...” is… there are lot of people like me who like movies (perhaps phrase ‘lot of people’ might look 'too small' gigantic number of movie lovers). The intensity of movie-likings might vary among people but people do like movies.

Movies are one of the strong medium of communication present around. People do nothing, absolutely nothing but just sit and watch a movie for 2-3 hours. Good movies are great experience they take me to different world and make to think beyond imagination. You can see anything in a movie right from planet Krypton to lives of ants. It has capabilities of creating maximum impact on us.

For the moment I am going to leave all the emotional attachment that I have for movies and look at the movies from other angle on this blog.
It is about --> the business of movies and what role do we perform in that.

What do I mean by We? We the consumers of movies. :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I… the story so far

2002: I saw some blog for the first time… liked the concept. I decided to write my own blog.

2003: I used to plan numerous things in that period; the ratio of successfully completing them was 0.0000021%. The-blog-thing-that-I-thought-last-year was one of them. I didn’t started the blog yet.

2004: I was still reminding myself to write the-blog-thing-that-I-thought-last-to-last-year but things didn’t move beyond that.

2005: I got some hardcore blogger friends by that time. I had to start on something so I created account on and wrote my first-ever-blog-entry. It was a welcome post to me by written me for doing such a wonderful job! Though I didn’t gave much thought on what to write next but mentioned readers (?) that the second post will be published soon.

2006: I wrote the second entry... I think on Mumbai floods or on similar serious stuff.

2007: I deleted all my posts. (I mean I can very well use plural for two posts). One of my friends found out my blog somehow; Google is not that good all the time. He broadcasted the ridiculous time-difference between the blog entries… that too first post of praising me on starting the blog.

Idea of blogging kept on popping out of my mind many times after that and I kept on making my futile plans for my long-lived blog. I always knew I will write something in future but the thought was just like my Ladakh-ManSarovar-Nepal trek. I really don’t know when it is going to take place?

July 2008: I have strong purpose to write. I have theme. I have time…