Monday, August 18, 2008

Catch them online

Check this link. It has links to websites of recent releases. Internet website is a relatively new promotional tool used by Indian movies.

More or less every movie website has same structure. You will hear title track or theme music in background when you open the site. You can see the sections like storyline, director’s note, cast and crew. Websites also provide downloading/viewing of movie teasers and wallpaper.

For whom?

Website promotion is mainly targeted at net-savvy, young, urban Indians. Their decisions to watch movies are influenced by online movie reviews. They prefer multiplexes for watching movies and most importantly they have disposable income to spend of leisure activities. Hence an easiest way to tap this net-savvy target segment is by catching them online.

Is it better than existing promotions?

Conventional promotions like TV/print ads have very small life. Whereas for movie websites there is no limit on life period, we can have a site running forever. Hence TV/Print ads stay only for first few weeks of release whereas website can do the job of maintaining excitement thereafter.

Websites are targeted ads rather than a mass ad. Logic behind this is the way of reaching at the movie website, either by googling it or clicking its ad-link from another website. No one is forcing us to watch it unlike TV or Newspaper where we don’t have control over content.

Cost for creating/hosting a website is very small compared to the total promotional budget, making websites one of the cheapest promotional way. Typically a superior site with decent multimedia grabs attention of person visiting the site for significant duration. Good music and interactive media of the website ensures complete attention of visitor.

What’s next?

Few sites went one step ahead by providing Links to official movie blog, Links to Orkut/Facebook communities. These virtual places provides movie-fans space to gossip about the movie which act as viral and word-of-mouth marketing.

Read next Blog for: Another recent phenomenon – Celebrity blogging

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